Sunday, 2 October 2011

Lin Armstrong: Newbies

Lin Armstrong: #change 11 it is really noticiable that the networks on a new course are built rapidly at first. there is always a leader , one who will get the connections and post useful tips to get going. on the new 2+2 course the growth is tremendous already every single class member have joined a blog and a facebook group they initiated by themselves. The anxiety of finding a way to start the course  has been lessened by asking about enrolments ,library tickets,car parks and even some content. The majority of blogs so far have been to show things. like finding pieces of a large puzzel .Each learner  sticks on something new for the others to see.I realise blogs are sold as collaborative ,knowledge making tools but the knowledge and content designed by the course maker (me ) is not always the knowledge newbies need first.Context is much more important than content for many.I have to say this cohort have already blogged up to 3 posts each and the course doesn't start untill Monday. There is no mark or grade on the blog work but it is attended to in order  to survive and become social in a new situation.
Each student has followed up to 12 others and all have at least 5 people following them. It will be very interesting to see the growth of this network.

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