Monday, 21 November 2011

ICT impacts on learners if a tutor joins in.

I wonder what the literature says about privacy and identity when using blogs? Fresen (2001) would say the relationship between the students on line abd their tutor is vital and staff interactionh is one of the key factors in student engement. When using a blog tool it is for information disemination and to encourage interaction between students.Content and the way the communication flows can be studied to make theory about how the learner uses them ,how they engage in their course or not..But if better staff engagement leads to better student engagement staff should be recognised for working outside hours and be able to record the interactions on their lesson planning.This is where innovation is ahead of developments in the institution and this creates a duality where blogging is seen as excellent practice but not a recognised practice.
I have noticed all teaching staff use the LMS learning management system Moodle.
Malikowski,Thompson and Theis (2007)say in their study teaching staff tend to adopt LMS features along a continum begining with content diseminationfeatures and moving tomore complex features as they gain experience w
ith the new medium.So blogs can be used badly as a push tool and aimed at just students when other staff ,quite rightly, refuse to use their leisure time for unpaid work.
According to Dawson and Mc William (2008)acccademics are not always ready for communicative practices and of course it is not the quantity of posts but the quality thaqt aids good communication that pokes others into thinking.Quality could be "engaged learning ,learning that leads to student involvement,motivating students to learn duee to the environment and activities being meaningful"   Kersley and Schneiderman (199 pg1)
Malikowski, S., M. Thompson, et al. (2007). “A model for research into course management systems: bridging technology and learning theory.” Journal of Educational Computing Research 36(2): 149-173.

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